Jun 9, 2012

Hiding Default Title Column in a list in SharePoint

In this article, we will know about a small tip, How to hide the default title column which is created by default whenever a list is created in a SharePoint list.
1. Whenever a list is created, you will see a default column “Title” in the list.
2. In Some cases, we do not need this and needs that to be hidden.
3. Go to Settings -> List Settings -> Advanced Settings (General Settings) -> Change Allow Management of Content Types to YES
4. Now List Settings page -> Click on ITEMS
You will see the list of columns in the list. Now we want to hide the Title Column and hence click on the Title column
There will be option for permanently hiding the column. Select the option “Hidden will not appear in forms” and click OK. 
5. We have hid the column in the form but it will appear in the VIEW. So, we have to hide the column in the view. Click on the View in the List.
In the Columns Deselect the Title and click OK.
6. When you click on New for adding a new item in the list, then you will not see the Title column in the form or when you view the list, you will not see the Title column in the view.


  1. Would you mind indicating scenarios where it is preferable to NOT use the default features of the Title column?

    1. Have a look at this article.
      In the final list, when I try to achieve the Cascading Look up values, if a value is empty then the item should be updated with empty value but if I use the Title column it will update the item with string;# value.

    2. Thank you very much for that explanation as it makes sense.

  2. Thank you very much for such clear explanation.


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