Showing posts with label MOSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOSS. Show all posts

Dec 8, 2012

Create Site Collection in Separate Content Database in SharePoint

Problem: When a “Site Collection” is created in a web application, then the proceeding Site Collections created in the same “Web Application” will use the Same Content DB. This creates problems in the following scenarios: 1. Size of the one Site Collection grows large then it will affect the...

Aug 6, 2012

Event ID 28721 in Source cannot be found

Problem:I have faced this problem when I tried to upload a document one of my document library in SharePoint. Neither the upload is successful nor no errors while uploading.Event Log:I was unable to view any errors with respect to the document upload in the event log. I could see only the following...

Jul 30, 2012

Parser Error Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, Position 1

I have got this error message suddenly in a (WSS 3.0) SharePoint site. The site is working as expected and it does not throw any errors before.The error screen shot is below: From the error message, I could understand that there is a problem with the browser comapatibility. Solution:I have navigated...

Apr 16, 2012

Workflow using SharePoint designer 2007

To know about the basics of the Work flows in SharePoint, read this article. In this article, we will learn how to create a designer workflow in SharePoint designer 2007. Scenario: 1.   Create a workflow in SharePoint designer 2007 2.   This workflow should be automatically...

Workflows in SharePoint

What is a Workflow in SharePoint? Ø  In simple words, we can say workflow is a serious of activities occurs in steps which will produce an output at the final step. Ø  In SharePoint, workflow is an automated movement of documents or items through a sequence of actions or tasks that are related...

Mar 17, 2012

The Parameter is incorrect crawl error Search Server

In this article, we are going to discuss about a strange issue with Microsoft Search Server. Scenario: Usually with the SharePoint, we will install Microsoft Search Server for providing the users a search function. We will configure the content source in Search Server Admin page and crawler...

Jan 23, 2012

How to Insert a Web Part in the NewForm, EditForm and DisplayForm.aspx in a list without using SharePoint Designer

In this article, we are going to know very useful and tricky tip in SharePoint. We have options for inserting the web parts in the home page or any libraries in the SharePoint using Site Settings -> Edit Page -> Insert Web Part What will you do for inserting a web part in the New/Edit/Display...

Jan 21, 2012

Lookup columns in SharePoint

In this article, we are going to discuss a simple and useful feature of SharePoint which is called lookup columns. What are Lookup columns in SharePoint? Ø  In simple words, it is a referential integrity between the lists in SharePoint (It is something like relating the two columns in a table...

Dec 26, 2011

How to hide the download a copy option (Context Menu) in the Document Library

In the document library we have an option of downloading the document as shown below. If the user wants to hides or remove this option for all the users. The following steps will explain the same. 1. First locate the following path C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server ...

Dec 11, 2011

Displaying Multiple Document Libraries in a Single WebPart

A frequent requirement in the Share Point Projects is Displaying Multiple Libraries together in a single web part. It can be achieved by various methods but I am going to create it through Share Point Designer 2007. In this article we will come to know how it can be done step by step. 1. The Important...