Oct 17, 2016

Accessing Radio Buttons using JQuery in SharePoint Online

I couldn't find anything obvious for accessing SharePoint Radio Buttons so chucked this together, hopefully useful for someone else :) Note: The below code/solution is applicable to accessing radio button in a custom SharePoint List forms. To know how to create a custom form in SharePoint Online,...

Oct 13, 2016

Get Current Logged in User & Manager using REST API in SharePoint Online

Scenario:  Environment: SharePoint Online  Approach:      Populating Current logged in user in People Picker. Also populating user's Manager automatically using REST API and SP Services. Solution: 1. Create an SharePoint custom list "Learning" (in my case). 2. Create...

Oct 10, 2016

Deploying List Workflow in SharePoint Online

Recently, I had a query from one of my readers about migrating the Workflows from development to production and the environment is SharePoint Online. Scenario: Suppose that you have created a List Workflow in development site in SP Online and now it is ready to move to Production in SP Online, you...