Showing posts with label Infopath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infopath. Show all posts

Nov 16, 2017

Migrating InfoPath forms from SharePoint 2010 to Online

Introduction InfoPath was never built for SharePoint to begin with - that's the fact that many people miss. It was retrofitted to support SharePoint so that forms solutions could be used on SharePoint There are limitations inside InfoPath that could not have grown with the SharePoint trajectory. Because of that, Microsoft turned to researching a Web-based solution for the design and creation of forms...

Feb 19, 2015

Update on InfoPath and SharePoint forms

As part of the update shared around the Evolution of SharePoint and the next SharePoint Server on-premises release, we are also updating the timelines for removal of InfoPath Forms Services components of SharePoint and SharePoint Online. Specifically, InfoPath Forms Services will be included in the next on-premises release of SharePoint Server 2016, as well as being fully...

Dec 9, 2011

Recommendations for maintaining Infopath performance

I'm creating an InfoPath form that is a bit large and starting to lag so I decided to look up better practices for developing InfoPath forms to maintain performance. Here is what I found online: - Keep views from being too large or complex. Split large views into several smaller ones with buttons to switch between them. - Avoid lots of tables (data or layout) in any single view. - Use Master/Detail...

How to convert Infopath form to word document

Sometimes you may need to convert an InfoPath form into a Word document so you can send it to users that either don’t have InfoPath or can’t access your  SharePoint form library. Luckily there is an easy process to do so. Steps to convert InfoPath form to Word: 1) Open your .xsn InfoPath project file 2) Go to File -> Export To -> Web 3) Enter a name for the file and make sure...