Apr 22, 2012

New features of SharePoint Designer 2010

Read this article, to know the Basics of Workflow in SharePoint. Read this article, to know about Implementing Designer workflow in SharePoint using SharePoint designer 2007.In this article, we will come to know about the new features added in the SharePoint designer 2010 for the workflow. What...

Apr 16, 2012

Workflow using SharePoint designer 2007

To know about the basics of the Work flows in SharePoint, read this article. In this article, we will learn how to create a designer workflow in SharePoint designer 2007. Scenario: 1.   Create a workflow in SharePoint designer 2007 2.   This workflow should be automatically...

The security validation for this page is invalid in SharePoint

Sometimes, when a user with least permissions in the SharePoint site, creates or updates an item, then the following error will be shown: “The security validation for this page is invalid. Click Back in your Web browser, refresh the page, and try your operation again” When you are creating a custom...

Workflows in SharePoint

What is a Workflow in SharePoint? Ø  In simple words, we can say workflow is a serious of activities occurs in steps which will produce an output at the final step. Ø  In SharePoint, workflow is an automated movement of documents or items through a sequence of actions or tasks that are related...

Apr 7, 2012

Exporting SharePoint User Groups with Group Names

In the article Exporting SharePoint User Groups into Excel, we have learned about exporting the SharePoint user groups into excel. Here we are able to export all the users in a SharePoint site but we are unable to sort the users with the group name. In this article, we will learn a small work around filter the users with the group name. We can use SQL Query to fetch this data. Connect to the SQL...