Jun 28, 2017

Cascading drop down in SharePoint using REST API

Cascading drop down or filtered Lookup Columns in SharePoint is one of the most used functionality in most of the projects for various business needs. In one of my old articles, I have explained about creating cascading or filtered lookup columns using JQuery & SPServices in MOSS 2007 version of...

Jun 20, 2017

Accessing Checkbox in SharePoint using JQuery

I couldn't find anything obvious for accessing SharePoint Check Box so chucked this together, hopefully useful for someone else 😉😎 Read this article to know about Accessing Radio Buttons using J Query in SharePoint Note: The below code/solution is applicable to accessing check box in...

Jun 2, 2017

SharePoint Online Software Boundaries and Limits

Size limit and Number of items that can be synced 1.     You can sync up to 20,000 items in your One Drive for Business library. This includes folders and files. 2.   You can sync up to 5,000 items in a SharePoint library. This includes folders and files....