Dec 11, 2012

Captcha using Java Script

Now a days, all the web sites requires inputs (contact us, feedback, etc.) from the end users. But many sites face a problem of spam or unwanted or junk messages. To avoid this we have a java script code which will generate the random codes which should be entered by the users manually.
This avoids the spam being automated or entered by the unwanted users being entered in to the site.

Below is the code which consists of Java script implemented in HTML page for reference.
Random Message

Below is the screenshot of the same:
Here is the link to download the image and hmtl file. Captcha using JavaScript.
Hope this component helps using it in your website to avoid spam and unwanted messages.

1 comment:

  1. hi any body please send the sharepoint document..i what to be expert in sharepoint.
    Naveen prasad.


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