Mar 18, 2012

Inserting a web part into SharePoint page without designer

In the article “Inserting a web part into SharePoint Page without designer”, we have discussed about inserting a web part in New/Edit/Display from.aspx in without using designer the lower versions of SharePoint (WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007).
Now, in this article we will discuss about inserting a web part into the New/Edit/Display form.aspx page without designer in SharePoint 2010.
Now, suppose that we have custom list named “City”
Now, go to the List Settings of the custom list “City”

Under General Settings -> Advanced Settings

In the advance settings, we have an option for the Launching the forms in dialog when click on NEW for inserting a new value in a list.
Here, now we will disable that option by selecting NO in launch forms in a dialog as shown below:

Now, we will click on “New Item” for inserting a new item in the custom list

Now, we will be navigated to the newform.aspx without popup dialog since we have disabled it.

The URL in the address bar will be as below:
In the above URL delete the URL before NewForm.aspx, we will have
In this URL in the address bar, append “?ToolPaneView=2”

Click Go in the address bar, then you will see the Add Web Parts option for inserting into the newform.aspx page.

In the similar way, we can insert the web part into editform.aspx and displayform.aspx


  1. The article which you have provided above is easy to under stand till opening the web part page.
    But I don't know what web part i need to add for view items. I did not find any web part with name newform.aspx or dispform.aspx.

    The problem I am facing is when i click on view Item in a List i got error message as "unable to find the default display form for list".

    can you please help me how to resolve the issue.

    1. Hi,
      The web part selection depends upon your requirement and here I have added Content Editor web part.
      As you mentioned, you need to add for View Items which displayform.aspx and Hence you URL will be
      Hope this helps you!

  2. Hi,
    I'm getting an error msg when accessing the URL in the format of http://SiteName/List/City/NewForm.aspx?ToolPaneView=2. The error msg is: Error: Access Denied. I know I am the Admin for the portal, is there a reason for this?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hello,
      Try using:
      The reason being it depends upon the view for editing the SP page.
      Let me know if you face any problems.
      Hope this helps you!

  3. Hi,
    I am probably having the same problem as the latest entry on July 31st. I was looking for a webpart like this and I think the post is great as it worked. But I cannot use this webpart on any of my pages as I cannot file the page or the webpart. The webpart also does not turn up in my webpart list. Isn't this webpart intended for usage in existing pages?

  4. I try to move this webpart to the home page which I already had other webparts. How can I move this webpart to home page or another page.


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