Cascading drop down or filtered Lookup Columns in
SharePoint is one of the most used functionality in most of the projects for various business needs.
In one of my old articles, I have explained
about creating cascading or filtered lookup columns using JQuery &
SPServices in MOSS 2007 version of...
Jun 28, 2017
Jun 20, 2017
Accessing Checkbox in SharePoint using JQuery

I couldn't find anything obvious for accessing SharePoint Check Box so chucked this together,
hopefully useful for someone else 😉😎
Read this article to know about Accessing Radio Buttons using J Query in SharePoint
Note: The below code/solution is
applicable to accessing check box in...
Jun 2, 2017
SharePoint Online Software Boundaries and Limits

limit and Number of items that can be synced
1. You can sync up to 20,000 items
in your One Drive for Business library. This includes folders and files.
2. You can sync up to 5,000 items in a
SharePoint library. This includes folders and files....
May 18, 2017
Site Mailbox is removed from SharePoint Online
I tried to create a Site Mailbox this morning, in SharePoint Online and
came to know this feature is no longer supported in SharePoint Online.
Tried to understand it in detail and following are the
Microsoft is notifying Office 365 customers that access to Site Mailboxes is...
May 5, 2017
Slide Library in SharePoint Online

When you try to migrate from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online (Office 365), Slide Library template is not listed as app in the Create App section.
You can still get it with a direct URL. I would not depend on it being there forever as the Slide Library is officially not in SharePoint 2013, but...
Feb 28, 2017
Challenges to be considered before migrating from SharePoint 2010 to 2016

the business owners for each site / site collection
Data Cleansing - identifying the old
contents/obsolete data for archiving
the intranet links embedded inside the documents (while migrating to SharePoint
Optimize and define databases - Perform
Jan 18, 2017
Enable "Open with Explorer" Option In SharePoint Online Document Libraries In Microsoft Edge Browser

Happy New Year 2017 to all readers and wish you all success in this year 😃😃😃
I was asked by my colleague who is from different Technology stream about “Open with Explorer” option disabled in SharePoint Online document libraries in Microsoft Edge browser.
Microsoft Edge browser has a new...
Dec 13, 2016
Character Limit using JQuery in SharePoint

In this post, we will learn how to implement Character Count (here in this example, maximum allowed 2000 characters) using JQuery in SharePoint.
1. Create a SharePoint List with a column named "Comments" - data type Multi line text with plain text as the option selected
2. SharePoint...
Oct 17, 2016
Accessing Radio Buttons using JQuery in SharePoint Online

I couldn't find anything obvious for accessing SharePoint Radio Buttons so chucked this together, hopefully useful for someone else :)
Note: The below code/solution is applicable to accessing radio button in a custom SharePoint List forms. To know how to create a custom form in SharePoint Online,...
Oct 13, 2016
Get Current Logged in User & Manager using REST API in SharePoint Online
Environment: SharePoint Online
Approach: Populating Current logged in user in People Picker. Also populating user's Manager automatically using REST API and SP Services.
1. Create an SharePoint custom list "Learning" (in my case).
2. Create...