Feb 19, 2015

Update on InfoPath and SharePoint forms

As part of the update shared around the Evolution of SharePoint and the next SharePoint Server on-premises release, we are also updating the timelines for removal of InfoPath Forms Services components of SharePoint and SharePoint Online. Specifically, InfoPath Forms Services will be included in the next on-premises release of SharePoint Server 2016, as well as being fully...

Aug 5, 2014

OWA web parts in SharePoint 2013

When I tried finding the OWA web parts in the SharePoint 2013 OOTB web parts, I couldn't find the web parts and “Outlook Web App” category is also not available. I was thinking it is deprecated or not available in SharePoint  2013. After searching, I found the following solution....

Jul 29, 2014

SharePoint 2013 & 2010 OOTB Web Parts Comparison

There are many changes made in SP 2013 in OOTB web parts. I tried creating a summary which shows the following: 1. What category is added or removed in SP 2013? 2. What are the web parts removed from SP 2013? 3. What are the new web parts added and their functionality? Downloadable Link for the below...

Jul 23, 2014

Promoted Links in SharePoint 2013

Promoted Links is a new list type added in SharePoint 2013. What it is and how to use this? 1.   New app in SP 2013 available Out of Box 2.   It is similar app like “Get Started with your site” in the home page  3.   It is a very cool feature which allows you...

Jul 2, 2014

New Features of SharePoint 2013

It has been a while here, there are many reasons and I was busy as well. Let’s start it again with SharePoint 2013J SharePoint 2013 has many new features and it is trending in the market. Let’s see the list of features which is new and what is different from the other versions of SharePoint. HTML 5 and CSS 3 support  - Cross browser compatibility and optimized browser experience. Device...

Oct 29, 2013

The Server could not complete your request SharePoint Designer 2013

Problem: When I tried opening SharePoint 2013 site in SharePoint Designer, I got the following error: When I clicked on Details, it opened another dialog and continuously pop up window is opening and not able to open the SharePoint site.  Finally got an error message Solution:  ...

Aug 19, 2013

News feeds not working in SharePoint 2013 - microsoft.office.server.microfeed.microfeedexception

To know about Micro Blogging in SharePoint 2013, read this post. When I tried to use the News Feed Feature in SharePoint 2013, it thrown exception: microsoft.office.server.microfeed.microfeedexception The below is the screenshot:   Solution: As I mentioned in the earlier post about...

Aug 17, 2013

Micro blogging in SharePoint 2013

Introduction: Microsoft has introduced a new social feature called “Micro blogging” in SharePoint 2013 to enhance the social networking and collaboration features. This powerful feature is added as an OOTB web part to SharePoint 2013 and ready to useJ So, what is micro blogging? It is a type...

Migrate SharePoint 2010 to 2013

In this article, we will learn how to migrate SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. This migration is applicable for OOTB features migration not for Custom Solution migration to SharePoint 2013. Steps:       1. Change the Authentication mode of SharePoint 2010 application...