Mar 2, 2013

Snipping Tool in Windows Server 2012

Snipping tool is very nice tool for capturing the screens which comes with latest versions of Windows. In this article lets see how to enable the snipping tool in Windows Server 2012. Snipping tool is not installed in the default installation of Windows OS. We have to enable it manually. Steps: 1....

Feb 26, 2013

Jan 7, 2013

The feature being activated is a Site scoped feature which has a dependency on a Site Collection scoped feature which has not been activated. Please activate the following feature before trying again: SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure f6924d36-2fa8-4f0b-b16d-06b7250180fa

Some times while activating the Publishing feature in SharePoint through the options in Site Settings we will get this error: The feature being activated is a Site scoped feature which has a dependency on a Site Collection scoped feature which has not been activated. Please activate the following feature before trying again: SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure f6924d36-2fa8-4f0b-b16d-06b7250180fa Reason: The...

Export SharePoint Group to Excel using PowerShell

$siteUrl="SiteURLHere" $groupName="GroupNametoExport" $Output = @("GroupName|Name|Login|Email|Department|Title") $web = Get-SPWeb $siteUrl $site = $web.Site $rootWeb = $site.RootWeb $UserList = $rootWeb.Lists["User Information List"] $web.SiteGroups[$groupName].Users|%{$user = $UserList.GetItemById($_.ID) if($user -ne $null) { $JobTitle = $user["JobTitle"] $Department = $user["Department"] } $Output...

Import Excel to SharePoint List using PowerShell

# Import the .csv file, and specify manually the headers, without column name in the file $contents = Import-CSV ‘C:\Input.csv' -header("Employee ID", "Employee Name") # Web URL $webURL = “SITEURL here” $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $webURL $listName = "ListNameHere" $list= $web.Lists["$listName"] # Iterate for each list column foreach ($row in $contents ) { $item = $list.Items.Add(); $item["Employee...

Jan 6, 2013

Import Users from Excel to SharePoint using PowerShell

# Import the .csv file, and specify manually the headers, without column name in the file $userList=IMPORT-CSV C:\UserToUpload.csv -header("GroupName","UserName") #Get the site name to the variable $web = Get-SPWeb SiteURLHere foreach ($user in $userList) { $groupName = $web.SiteGroups[$] $user = $web.Site.RootWeb.EnsureUser($userList.user) $groupName.AddUser($user) } Write-Host...

Add Users to SharePoint Group using PowerShell

#Get the site name to the variable $web = Get-SPWeb SitURLHere #Get the group name to the variable $groupName = $web.SiteGroups["Group Name Here"] #Assign user to variable $user = $web.Site.RootWeb.EnsureUser(“User ID Here”) #Add user to group $groupName.AddUser($user) Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "User Added Successfully";...

Dec 18, 2012

SharePoint 2013 Certification

Below is the links to know about initial release for Certifications in SharePoint 2013: Exam 70-331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Exam 70-332:Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 http://...

Dec 12, 2012

Web Part with Custom Tool Part in SharePoint

To know about Basics of Creating a Custom Web Part with Validations and Deploying it in the SharePoint, read this article. In this article, we will know how to create a custom web part in SharePoint with Custom Tool Part (Custom Properties).Before creating a custom web part with custom tool part,...

How does Ribbon in SharePoint 2010 works?

A file called CMDUI.XML stays at the web front end which contains the Out-of-Box site wide Ribbon implementation i.e. all the Ribbon UI for the entire site. In addition to this you have a CustomAction for each ribbon component. These CustomActions have CommandUIExtentions block which has CommandUIDefinitions and CommandUIHandlers which make up the activity of the ribbon component. So, when...