Nov 16, 2017

Migrating InfoPath forms from SharePoint 2010 to Online

Introduction InfoPath was never built for SharePoint to begin with - that's the fact that many people miss. It was retrofitted to support SharePoint so that forms solutions could be used on SharePoint There are limitations inside InfoPath that could not have grown with the SharePoint trajectory. Because of that, Microsoft turned to researching a Web-based solution for the design and creation of forms...

Nov 3, 2017

We can't do that for you because the file is no longer checked out or has been deleted

This error is an interesting scenario but so weird one which I faced recently while migrating SharePoint 2010 designer workflows to SharePoint Online.Post migration, when I try to edit the workflow in designer I got the below error: It clearly shows some configuration files are missing. Hence I...

Oct 9, 2017

Check if current user is member of a SharePoint group using JQuery

Scenario This code will help you to check if the current user is a member of a group. Suppose you want to check if the current user is member of a Owners group or not. Just update the "grpName" variable value and run the code 😎 Steps to use the code 1. Use the Script Editor web part and add...

Oct 4, 2017

Differences between Communication Sites and Modern Team Sites

# Communication Sites Modern Team Sites  1 Communication Sites are a convenient way for broadcasting or communicating information to wider audience   Team Sites are sites created for users to work collaborate as a team  2 ...

Oct 2, 2017

Modern Team Sites in SharePoint Online Explained

Modern Team sites are Team Sites integrated with Office 365 groups and it provides options to collaborate better than before.  When you create a modern team site in SharePoint Online, it automatically creates the O365 group, group email address, and ability to identify whether this site will contain...

Sep 30, 2017

Microsoft TechNet Guru Awards August 2017

Proud to share that awarded as TechNet Guru for August 2017 month. Article posted in SharePoint category. TechNet link - Winners August 2017  Articles link - SharePoint Online Communication Sites Create Power BI report and publish in SharePoint Are you interested in participating...

Aug 25, 2017

Microsoft TechNet Wiki Technical Guru Award July 2017

Proud to share that awarded as TechNet Guru for July 2017 month. Article posted in SharePoint category. TechNet link - Winners July 2017  Articles link - SharePoint: Lookup Columns Are you interested in participating as well? Post your article in the below link to get a chance to win: TechNet...

Aug 10, 2017

Create Power BI report and publish in SharePoint

Introduction: In this article, we will learn how to create a report in Power BI using SharePoint List as a data source, using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) in Power BI, publish the Power BI report to SharePoint Online, and Schedule Data Refresh. We will also learn how to use Power BI desktop...

Aug 2, 2017

Communication Sites in SharePoint Online

In this year SharePoint Virtual Summit, Microsoft announced several improvements to SharePoint Online and One Drive. One of the important and interesting additions is new “Communication Sites” Microsoft says: “Reach your audience via SharePoint Communications Site” 😎 In this article, we will learn...