$siteUrl="SiteURLHere" $groupName="GroupNametoExport" $Output = @("GroupName|Name|Login|Email|Department|Title") $web = Get-SPWeb $siteUrl $site = $web.Site $rootWeb = $site.RootWeb $UserList = $rootWeb.Lists["User Information List"] $web.SiteGroups[$groupName].Users|%{$user = $UserList.GetItemById($_.ID) if($user -ne $null) { $JobTitle = $user["JobTitle"] $Department = $user["Department"] } $Output += ($groupName+"|"+$_.Name+"|"+$_.UserLogin+"|"+$_.Email+"|"+$ Department +"|"+$JobTitle) } $rootWeb.Dispose() $web.Dispose() $site.Dispose() $Output > "D:\MembersExport.csv"
Jan 7, 2013
Export SharePoint Group to Excel using PowerShell
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Got the following error..
ReplyDeleteYou must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the '+' operator.
At line:7 char:70
+ $Output += ($groupName+"|"+$_.Name+"|"+$_.UserLogin+"|"+$_.Email+"|"+ <<<< $
Department +"|"+$JobTitle)
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordEx
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression
I figured out the issue.. There was space after $ and before Deparment.
ReplyDeleteHere is the updated one.
$groupName="GM Events Members"
$Output = @("GroupName|Name|Login|Email|Department|Title")
$web = Get-SPWeb $siteUrl
$site = $web.Site
$rootWeb = $site.RootWeb
$UserList = $rootWeb.Lists["User Information List"]
$web.SiteGroups[$groupName].Users|%{$user = $UserList.GetItemById($_.ID)
if($user -ne $null)
$JobTitle = $user["JobTitle"]
$Department = $user["Department"]
$Output += ($groupName+"|"+$_.Name+"|"+$_.UserLogin+"|"+$_.Email+"|"+$Department +"|"+$JobTitle)
$Output > "D:\WaseemBackup\MembersExport.csv"
This was helpful, although for SharePoint 2013 the | character is part of the UserLogin for a claims id. If you use * instead as the delimiter, Excel won't break apart the claims ids during the import.